Dr. Alexander Chenakin is the Chief Technology Officer at Anritsu Company, Morgan Hill, CA, where he oversees the development of various test-and-measurement instruments. He leads a team of talented engineers and has a proven track record in developing and implementing solutions that deliver results.
Dr. Chenakin previously held a range of technical and executive positions that include serving as Vice President of Advanced Technologies at Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc. and Vice President of Phase Matrix, a National Instruments company. He is well recognized in the field of frequency synthesis and is referred to as the inventor of QuickSyn® technology. In 2009, he received ARMMS RF & Microwave Society’s award for his work on fast-switching frequency synthesizers. His work has been duly acknowledged in the 50th anniversary issue of Microwaves & RF, which featured "People Who Made it Happen."
In 2023, Dr. Chenakin was elected an IEEE Fellow in recognition of his outstanding research achievements with the following citation: “For Contributions to Microwave Frequency Synthesizer Technologies.” IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members. The fellow designation is awarded by the IEEE board of directors to no more than 0.1% of the IEEE members – those considered to have extraordinary records of accomplishment.
His professional achievements have been widely presented in trade publications and international conferences. He has written more than 50 technical articles and holds eight US patents. In addition, Dr. Chenakin is the author of an Artech House published textbook about frequency synthesizers.
Dr. Chenakin has been an invited speaker for several IEEE-sponsored events. He is a member of Microwave Journal editorial board. He is also the Chair of IEEE TC-10 Signal Generation and Frequency Conversion Committee.
Dr. Chenakin previously held a range of technical and executive positions that include serving as Vice President of Advanced Technologies at Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc. and Vice President of Phase Matrix, a National Instruments company. He is well recognized in the field of frequency synthesis and is referred to as the inventor of QuickSyn® technology. In 2009, he received ARMMS RF & Microwave Society’s award for his work on fast-switching frequency synthesizers. His work has been duly acknowledged in the 50th anniversary issue of Microwaves & RF, which featured "People Who Made it Happen."
In 2023, Dr. Chenakin was elected an IEEE Fellow in recognition of his outstanding research achievements with the following citation: “For Contributions to Microwave Frequency Synthesizer Technologies.” IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members. The fellow designation is awarded by the IEEE board of directors to no more than 0.1% of the IEEE members – those considered to have extraordinary records of accomplishment.
His professional achievements have been widely presented in trade publications and international conferences. He has written more than 50 technical articles and holds eight US patents. In addition, Dr. Chenakin is the author of an Artech House published textbook about frequency synthesizers.
Dr. Chenakin has been an invited speaker for several IEEE-sponsored events. He is a member of Microwave Journal editorial board. He is also the Chair of IEEE TC-10 Signal Generation and Frequency Conversion Committee.